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EPC Products Civil Engineering Testing Instruments Geotechnical Testing Geophysical Exploration Borehole Seismic Surveying P-Wave Source SBS 42
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P-Wave Source SBS 42

Model:SBS 42

Use:borehole source SBS42 generates compressional waves (P) in water lled boreholes and is used for P-wave tomography.


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Sparker pulses are released through manual or automatic triggering of the impulse generator (IPG5000) controlled by the remote control unit (RCU). e RCU converts the reference signal of the impulse generator to an accurate time break with an accuracy of a few microseconds.


To estimate the source repeatability the calculation of the coherency spectra is used. Coherency values of ?1“ indicate perfect repeatability whereas a coherency of ?0“ expresses no repeatability. e test shows that the P-wave sparker source SBS42 is highly repeatable up to frequencies of 4-5 kHz.


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